Dr. Michael Baum
International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Phone:00963-21 2213433
Email: m.baum@cgiar.org
Prof. Andrew Patterson
Plant Genome Mapping Laboratory. University of Georgia
Phone:+1 706 583 0162
Email: paterson@plantbio.uga.edu
Prof. Bruce Roe
Department of chemistry and biochemistry. Stephenson Research and Technology Center. University of Oklahoma
Phone:+1 405 325 4912
Email: broe@ou.edu
Prof. Calvin Qualset
Plant Sciences Department. University of California
Phone:+1 530 754 8502
Email: coqualset@ucdavis.edu
Dr. Sean Mayes
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
Email: sean.mayes@cgiar.org
Prof. Eviatar Nevo
International Graduate Center of Evolution. University of Haifa
Phone:+ 972 4 8240448
Email: nevo@research.haifa.ac.il
Prof. Fred Muehlbauer
USDA-ARS and Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences. Washington State University
Phone:+1 509 335 9521
Email: muehlbau@wsu.edu
Prof. Jeff Bennetzen
Department of Genetics, University of Georgia
Phone:+1 706 542 3698
Email: maize@uga.edu
Prof. Loren Rieseberg
Botany Department. University of British Columbia
Phone:+1 604 827 4540
Email: loren.rieseberg@botany.ubc.ca
Prof. Mark Sorrells
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics. Cornell University
Phone: Not available
Email: mes12@cornell.edu
Prof. MS Swaminathan
Swaminathan Research Foundation
Phone:+91 44 22542790 22541229 22541698
Email: chairman@mssrf.res.in.
Prof. Perry Gustafson
Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri
Phone:+1 573 882 7318
Email: pgus@missouri.edu
Dr. Abdelbagi Ismail
International Rice Research Institute
Phone:Not available
Email: abdelbagi.ismail@cgiar.org
Dr. Jacqueline Batley
School of Agriculture and Food Sciences and Centre of Excellence for Integrative Legume Research, The University of Queensland
Phone: Not available
Email: j.batley@uq.edu.au
Dr. Georgina Hernandez
Centro de Ciencias Genomicas - UNAM. Cuernavaca
Phone:Not available
Email: gina@ccg.unam.mx
Dr. Jose Crossa
Biometrics and Statistics Unit (BSU). CIMMYT
Phone:+52-55-5804-2004, 2208
Email: j.crossa@cgiar.org
Prof. Anthony Hall
Department of Botany and Plant Sciences. University of California
Email: anthony.hall@ucr.edu
Prof. Christopher Cullis
Biotechnology Entrepreneurship Program Department of Biology. Case Western Reserve University
Phone:+1 216 368 3557
Email: cac5@case.edu
Prof. Ciro De Pace
Department of Agriculture. Forests. Nature and Energy. University of Tuscia
Email: depace@unitus.it
Prof. David Edwards
Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics. School of Agriculture and Food Sciences. University of Queensland
Email: dave.edwards@uq.edu.au
Prof. Graham King
Southern Cross Plant Science. Southern Cross University
Phone:+61 2 6620 3410
Email: graham.king@scu.edu.au
Prof. John Bryant
Biotechnology Entrepreneurship Program Department of Biology. Case Western Reserve University
Phone:+1 216 368 3557
Email: cac5@case.edu
Prof. Keith Edwards
Department of Agriculture. Forests. Nature and Energy. University of Tuscia
Email: depace@unitus.it
Prof. Michael Abberton
Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics. School of Agriculture and Food Sciences. University of Queensland
Email: dave.edwards@uq.edu.au
Prof. Michael Djordjevic
Plant Science Division. Research School of Biology. Australian National University. Canberra. Australia
Phone:Not available
Prof. Modhumita Dasgupta
Division of Plant Biotechnology. Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding
Email: ghoshm@icfre.org
Prof. Paul Gepts
University of California. Department of Plant Sciences. Section of Crop and Ecosystem Sciences
Email: plgepts@ucdavis.edu
Prof. Perry Gustafson
JDivision of Plant Sciences. University of Missouri
Phone:+1 573 882 7318
Email: pgus@missouri.edu
Prof. Peter Gresshoff
Centre of Excellence Integrative Legume Research (CILR). The University of Queensland. St. Lucia.
Email: p.gresshoff@uq.edu.au
Prof. Robert Henry
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation. University of Queensland
Email: robert.henry@uq.edu.au
Prof. Chittaranjan Kole
Raja Ramanna Fellow, Govt. of India, ICAR-NRCPB, Pusa, New Delhi, India
Email: ckoleorg@gmail.com
Dr. Antonio Oliveira
Plant Genomics Center. FAEM. UFPEL
Email: acostol@terra.com.br
Dr. Nitin Mantri
School of Applied Sciences. RMIT University
Email: nitin.mantri@rmit.edu.au
Prof. David Lightfoot
Department of Plant. Soil and General Agriculture. Southern Illinois University
Email: ga4082@siu.edu
Prof. Henry Nguyen
National Center for Soybean Biotechnology. University of Missouri
Email: nguyenhenry@missouri.edu
Prof. Kostya Krutovsky
Department of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding. University of Gottingen. Germany
Phone:+49 551 393 35 37
Email: kkrutov@gwdg.de
Prof. Rodomiro Ortiz
Department of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Phone:Not available
Email: rodomiro.ortiz@slu.se
Prof. Susan McCouch
Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, USA
Email: Not available
Dr. Manish Pandey
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
Email: manish.pandey@icrisat.org